Tuesday 15 January 2013

Being judgemental...

There's no way around it, I'm a pretty judgemental guy.

How you dress, how you speak, your build and your company are things I'm most likely to judge you by. Spiked hair, over-developed biceps, small legs and accompanied by either a friend of a similar profile, or a comically skinny friend who is vaguely annoying? I'm going to assume you're a douchebag. Dressed to the nines, unwilling to maintain eye contact or relax your posture, probably with a watch prominently displayed? I'm going to assume you're a douchebag. Perpetually annoyed by everything about every situation you're in? I'm going to assume you're a douchebag.

You can see how this is becoming a problem for me. My social life is extremely limited at the moment, consisting of my two roommates whom I see sometimes, and the folks at my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school, with whom I don't converse because we're too busy trying to kill each other. When I do actually meet someone new, it seems like I start scanning for flaws in people, reasons why I could not hold a conversation with them for more than the requisite 5 minutes. The big one seems to be that I cannot stand people with a status obsession. You know the ones. The ones that need to be better than you. Bigger, stronger or wealthier, more successful, or "clearly" knows how everything could be better.

Here's the problem I have: I'm a competitive person. Unhealthily so. I've gotten it more or less "under wraps" nowadays, but every time I feel this disdain rising up for these people I find myself wondering the same question; Is the problem that they are awful people? Or am I the awful person here? Is it that they are obsessed with superiority to others or is that me?

Let us ponder this.

I mean, I like to think the number of genuine friendships I have serves as proof and a check on my ego, but I can never really be sure.

Anyway, lunch time.

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