Wednesday 8 May 2013

Another brief tangent

Y'know what game is vastly underappreciated?


F.3.A.R. The absolutely ridiculous title notwithstanding, F.3.A.R. was in many ways a very good game. So the campaign was kinda' dry the first time through, the co-op was undercooked, and there were a handful of buggy moments. Surely to god we're all grown up enough that we can let a couple cracks slide as long as they're on a cheesecake, right?

Okay, so the analogy isn't strong. Bear with me.

This game will always stick out in my mind for the two weeks I played two things: 1) The multiplayer. Not the team deathmatch, not posession, but "Fucking Run." Hot damn was that a fantastic game mode. Your team is forced to constantly advance from a wall of death, and you have to murder your way through progressively more deadly waves of enemies in randomly generated terrain. It was the kind of frantic, unplanned chaos that results in truly memorable multiplayer moments. You're all like "We got heavy guys on the left, start shooting!" "CRAWLERS FROM ABOVE!" *BANG BANG BOOM* "What was that!?" "A rocket launcher!" "Where did you get a rocket launcher!?" "I DON'T KNOW!" It's the kind of unbridled twitchy madness that you just don't get once you stop being eight years old and playing with action figures. 2) Replaying as Vettel. Seriously fun. It was like a first person Psi-Ops (another wonderful game everyone should play) and that's pretty cool.

Can you get nostalgia for a two year old game? Hm. I guess I can...

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