Wednesday 24 July 2013


I haven't blogged for a while, and for that I apologize. Without my periodic cathartic release, I've built up a backlog of rants that need to be unloaded. Today's blog post will not be my usual long form thinking-onto-a-keyboard but rather a rapid, staccato of hatred and unsettling in-depth opinion.

1) Traveling. Fuck traveling.

I understand the appeal of travel. Go somewhere new. See something neat. Learn about this world we call home. Release, relax, recharge, it's good for the soul. This bit I get, I sympathize and dare I say I agree. What really grinds my gears is people who travel and start talking like they have experienced some life changing spirit journey. They won't shut up about how much their life changed. How relocating to another part of the world for a week granted them magical perspective to understand and solve all of life's problems.

There was no magical journey to life changing wisdom. You just went somewhere for a bit. Nothing changed. Nothing. You're still you, the rest of the world is still the rest of the world, so please oh please shut the fuck up about how you have enriched yourself so much by the act of being somewhere else for a bit.

2) Labels and conditions.

Single noun explanations are not appropriate devices to make everything better. You can't say "I'm insecure" or "I'm an introvert" or "I haven't had my coffee." No one cares. You have attached a new descriptor, perhaps a shorter one, to describe what many of us already knew; You have some kind of crippling personality a flaw. Take for example people being total assholes. The label "I'm busy" or "I haven't had my coffee" as their justification for their behavior. The expectation is that by this hand waving gesture you have somehow made yourself immune to the hatred you so justly deserve. I don't care if you have or have not had a coffee today, you're still a cunt.

Perhaps the frustrating part of this is that once a label has been assigned, people just don't see the need for any attempt resolution or improvement. You attach the label onto yourself and say "Yup, that's just the way it is." There is no literally other way in the world to say "I'm incapable of functioning like the rest of adults, and that is a-okay."

3) Bad drivers.

Jesus fucking christ, you are literally directing a tonne of metal fuelled by repeated explosions through a populated space. The car is capable of far more than you. Go to a performance driving class. You will rapidly discover that the car is not the limit or the problem, the problem is that you are a distracted dumb slow lump of meat that clumsily tries to direct this miracle of science. You don't know how bad you are at directing this machine, and you think that if anything bad happens you can miraculously get out. Guess what, you can't. And when this situation arises because you're driving like a fuckhead, you get to have the joy of killing someone and/or yourself.

Okay...I think....I think that's most of it.

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