Tuesday 26 March 2013

On Video Games...

My video game docket is, at the moment, the fullest it has been in almost five years.

The PS3 is currently loaded up with Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Yes, I'm playing through it again, because I need more Optimus Prime in my life. Currently warming up in the dugout is Dishonored, a game that I put two hours into and just ran out of time to play. Behind THAT is the last ~1.5 hours of Assassin's Creed III, a game that I really really REALLY liked, and is currently standing in the way of me playing through the Zone of the Enders remake.

Also worth noting? I'm planning on buying Bioshock Infinite today. So...goodness. Looks like I might need to call in sick a couple times. That is a lot of video game I need to get through.

I just want to mention one of the things which stuns me the most about Fall of Cybertron. In my previous post about how the ratings system appears to be broken I briefly touched on this, and I feel like it deserves mention again. Fall of Cybertron might be the best adaptation of external source material I have ever had the pleasure to play. What is persistently astounding to me is how everything in this game is covered in a glossy sheen of childlike excitement for everything you do. The progression of the plot reads like something a five year old would come up with while playing with his toys.

Need to get to the gates to help defend them, now we need to get the neutron cannons online, oh now we're shooting at tanks, now the cannons have become Metroplex, now our city-size robot is fucking shit up. In addition, the design of everything in this game is done with an absurd level of scale. City size guns are a thing, which is AWESOME. You enter ancient structures with kilometer high ceilings, look out upon endlessly built-up robot city, you have god damn Metroplex as something akin to a summon.

Randomly, Optimus yells out things like "Liberty is the right of all sentient beings," like some kind of house sized Robo-Lincoln. Seriously, everything about this game is like your inner five year old was given an insane budget and asked to make a Transformers movie that didn't suck. You really really need to check this game out.

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