Thursday 28 March 2013

The Jarome Iginla trade

I'm not sure if this is actually how I feel, or if this is the result of my brain spending all night desperately trying to rationalize what just happened.


Okay. Let's do this.

First, let's identify downfalls of the Flames organization over the past few seasons. They have no big centers and their prospects either have little skill and skating ability, or are very very very small. At the NHL level, they have not had a true "grind line" since 2009 instead filling the third line with 2nd line tweeners. The fourth line has been a random collection of goons, and usually can't see more than 5 minutes a night for risk of them letting in too many goals.

The Boston deal? That deal made me mad. A depth defenceman and an undersized russian with skating problems. Make no mistake, of all the pieces Calgary potentially had coming back Khokhlachev was the best, or at least had the most potential. That said, he reads like the stereotype of russians that don't make it in the NHL, so that is a huge question mark. Unfortunately, the KHL factor is a very real consideration now. Perhaps the biggest flaw with Khokhlachev is that the Flames already have him, he's just named Paul Byron. Another undersized skilled centre won't really help the organization. The real piss off was the conditional 1st rounder. For the return to be based on whether or not a player likes an organization is an unreasonable risk. That deal was basically Bartkowski and future considerations, which is very frustrating.

The Pittsburgh deal is the better deal. The Flames get a first rounder, likely late, and effectively replacing their 2nd in this draft. Okay. A guaranteed pick. Good, we need those. Now, what do the two prospects project to? First, worth noting that before joining the Flames as Assistant General Manager John Weisbrod was the head of scouting for the Boston Bruins. He spent a looot of time scouting the American college ranks. Also, during the lock out most scouts watched a ton of college hockey. If Weisbrod says these guys are good, I'm inclined to trust him. What do these players bring to the Flames? Size. Skating ability. They project as max 2nd liners, likely 3rd liners. Having shut-down players who can skate is a very desperate need for the Flames organization. They get those in this deal.

Would I have preferred Derrick Pouliot? Absolutely. But clearly the Flames are intended to do this rebuild the right way. I.E. Not just putting the sexy name into the lineup and waiting for results. Instead they're acquiring players who will play a role. More Ottawa style than Edmonton style. And I like this. Ottawa's rebuild is basically my gold standard for how you do a rebuild.

Farewell, Iggy. You were the best thing to happen to this city since oil.

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