Monday 29 April 2013

The Internship Poem

So I applied for an internship with HootSuite today. They asked me to describe myself in 150 characters or less, but being the dunce I am I misread it and wrote a 150 word limerick to accomplish that task. It was so good though, it goes up on here.

*ahem ahem*
 To describe myself in so few words
Including what makes me unique
A herculean task, please be assured
But this limerick might be a treat

A kid born in Saskatchewan
Who bounced all across the west
In June 2012 I had graduation
From Economics, the program's the best

At home my interests are varied
From jiu jitsu to games and sports
The 'Riders are my team, for hockey I bleed
I love politics and cooking and more

From deadlines to numbers
Against leglocks or pucks
I'm stoic and try to be calmer
Under pressure I give no...erm...ducks?

My bosses and coaches all will tell you
No matter what he'll get it done
He sees everything through
You can't teach this kind of dedication

[NAME REDACTED]'s my name
Though flawed I may be
Commitment's my game
HootSuite, call me, maybe?

Actually, upon reflection I don't think that it is technically a limerick. But whatev, still pretty neat though, right?

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