Monday 10 June 2013

Window Dressing Activism

The following is one side of a conversation I had with a friend in Ottawa.

"I am about to write something offensive

Remember how the "hot" social cause of the day back in 2003 was global warming? And every fucking wannabe social activist was all like "OH THE HUMANITY WE GOTS TO SAVE THE WORLD" But it was really just an excuse to go to "green parties" and get tanked and then feel like you're not just another alcoholic manwhore/womanwhore? In 2013, a new social cause has risen up to take its place.

Gay Rights has become the new Global Warming.

The cause most socially acceptable to latch onto and preach about, while simultaneously requiring an almost non-existent amount of dedication in order to maintain the facade of giving a damn.

I hate. These. People.

This really crystallized for me while looking at Facebook today. So many photos of people being tanked at 302. And posting shit like "OMG PRIDE 2013!!!" "LGBT EQUALITY GUYS!!!11" You have truly advanced the cause of ending discrimination based on sexual identity by dressing up like a banana and pounding jager. And I know, maybe I'm just a stick in the mud, but to me this window-dressing support of valid and important social causes would seem to diminish and mock the cause."

Phew. There it is. Some good 'ol fashioned hatred.

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